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11 posts match your search:
December 09, 2023 22:44:23 +0000 (UTC)


hey everyone!

i wasnt able to play in a while, so i didnt get to see the newest tags.

can anyone tell me what they are? name+image

sorry i didnt add them sooner

thank you for your help

May 07, 2022 15:50:07 +0000 (UTC)

I need help!!! Every time I use the drag generator and choose the “recommended outfit” option I get...

I need help!!! Every time I use the drag generator and choose the “recommended outfit” option I get an error and cannot see the results. However, if I choose the option “best drag pieces”, it works fine. The issue is that it doesn’t always have the best or correct option. I get this error when choosing any option, daily, maxi, etc. Please help me resolve this issue. I have attached a photo of the error I get. I’m going to be very honest, cause that’s who I am. If this problem didn’t occur since I’ve used this site…I would absolutely donate money to you all! You guys are worth the money, IF this major issue was fixed. This is truly an amazing site! It’s helped me a lot but I still have to do a lot of work around because of the error I’m getting. Thanks in advance!

April 29, 2022 22:00:28 +0000 (UTC)

Is anybody else's Starlet not allowing them to generate a drag look? It keeps telling me that I need...

Is anybody else's Starlet not allowing them to generate a drag look? It keeps telling me that I need at least 3 drag pieces in each category but I have dozens upon dozens. It worked fine up until a week ago and now it keeps saying that.

December 07, 2023 22:52:07 +0000 (UTC)


Is there any way that new tags could be added, either by mods or community submit to approve? I know the team working on this site is very small, but I've been playing for around 6 months, and all the queen tags I've collected since then all merge together under one mega-queen-tag. Trying to use the generator for weekly challenges messes with the best outfit combination results.

November 22, 2023 03:11:59 +0000 (UTC)


I’m new to the game and just started using the generator tool a few days ago and LOVED it!! But now it won’t work anymore. I just get an error message. I’ve tried clearing my data and everything else I could think of but nothing helps. Is there a workaround for this?

November 03, 2023 21:47:02 +0000 (UTC)


So... why hasn't Brooke, jinxk and blu tags have been added yet to the game... can we put them? Or do we have to wait for the devs to put it?

May 01, 2023 23:15:33 +0000 (UTC)


Is anyone else having constant issues with trying to generate the best outfit? It used to work fine for me but in the last few weeks I keep getting an error regardless of what device I’m on.

October 18, 2022 10:42:00 +0000 (UTC)


Hi peeps! First day of knowing this place exists and my first comment. I've tried exploring but I might have missed something so I'm sorry if this is a question that didn't need asking!

Is there a way to see which item is the best for a particular tag overall, not just in the items you own? (Without having another account with everything added.)